Holy fucking fuck.... I havent been able to pay the kind of attention to this blog that i want to. Well folks that is all going to change as of right the shit NOW! So while i work on my next review and the horror movie of the week and a few other tidbits i'm sure you will all enjoy, lets check out a few films i'm really looking forward to seeing. Now not all of them are new, in fact some are down right ancient, but that doesnt change the fact that i want to see these bitches! here they are in no particular order or preference:
The Strange Colour Of Your Body's Tears
Cabin Fever 3: Patient Zero
Curse Of Chucky
Alone In The Dark
Silent Madness in 3D
Hopefully this has peaked your interest in one or two of these movies. Stay tuned to Some Guy's Horror Blog for my next review 'Stephen King's IT' and the horror movie of the week which is always a surprise!!!